About our club

At horserati, we make it possible
for everyone to own a horse.

Horserati Horse Club is recognized as a quality show Club managing three to four shows per year. From Halter to performance hunting, jumping, and driving our members are known for their quality horses. All our shows offer classes for children of all ages, as well as adult beginners.

Our horse club operates as a social organization, promoting the horse riding discipline through shows, clinics, fellowship and good sportsmanship. Our membership is open to all who have an interest in horses and would like to become more aware of various horse riding techniques.

Our history


The history of our club began more than 20 years ago when a group of true horse riding fans gathered to change the equestrian community. Local horseowners were also looking for an area to organzie horse races, and their interests initiated the establishment of Horserati.


In 2001, we held the first horse show at our own show ring.Our founder was the show manager and announcer. This show is officially considered the start of active development of our club. Traditions were being established, and the dream was taking shape.


2008 was the year of our riding school establishment. At that time, we understood that both children and adults, as well as teenagers, needed an additional impact to develop their horseriding skills. We invited highly qualified instructors to our team and developed group and individual courses.

Our Stories

Building lifetime memories

We have reached another milestone in our horse life: we rode Cletus, our four year old buckskin gelding! If you remember, we bought him as a baby alongside his mother, Penny, in the fall of 2011.

You can never have too many horses, right? My sister from Idaho called me the other day and offered me her beautiful blue roan mare. I didn’t know what to say, other than, “Please and thank you.”

We got a phone call last weekend out of the blue. The girl had been searching online for horse trainers in the area and found an ad we had placed probably eight years ago when we were looking for outside horses.

Some facts about us

facts in numbers


Stable blocks


Horse menages


Grazing acres


Jumping arenas

  • 9870 St Vincent Place, Glasgow, DC 45 Fr 45.